Leap Into Fun: Unique Family Activities for Leap Day!

Family Time, Holidays

Every four years, we're gifted with an extra day in February, making it a perfect opportunity to leap out of our routine and dive into some fun! Here’s a some fun ideas to making this Leap Day unforgettable, with simple activities that are as unique and special as the day itself.


Celebrate this quadrennial occasion by creating a family time capsule. Gather items that are significant to your family right now—photos, drawings, letters to your future selves, and any small mementos that capture your current interests and personalities. Another fun idea is to include news headlines, pop culture moments, and any major world events. This not only gives your future selves a glimpse into the past but also provides a snapshot of history through your family's eyes.

Seal them in a safe water-proof container to be opened on the next Leap Day, four years from now! It's a heartwarming way to see how much everyone has grown and changed.


Organize a leap-themed scavenger hunt around your home or neighborhood. Include playful challenges like hopping on one foot to the next clue, leapfrogging with a partner, or finding items that start with the letters L-E-A-P. It's a fantastic way to get everyone moving and giggling together. 

outdoor scavenger hunt printable for kids, from Fun Cheap or Free

If you live somewhere with nice enough weather for an outdoor hunt, feel free to use our Scavenger Hunt Printable with pre-listed items here! If the weather necessitates an indoor hunt for you, here are some items to include on your scavenger hunt:

  • A green shirt
  • A coin with a date between 2000-2010
  • A birthday card
  • A 1/4 measuring cup
  • Something that smells good
  • Something with a picture of an animal on it
  • Something that has 4 parts
  • A calendar
  • Something sparkly


Throw a Leap Day party with a frog theme—think green decorations, frog-inspired snacks (hello, gummy frogs and green cupcakes!), and leapfrog contests in the backyard. Invite family and friends to join in the fun, making it a memorable event that everyone will look forward to every four years.

We love hosting casual get-togethers with our neighbors and friends, and they DON'T HAVE TO COST YOU much at all! Potlucks are the easiest way to cut down on the cost of a party. We've also put together our greatest tips for hosting friends and family for little to zero dollars. Check out that blog post here!

party foods on a table, from Fun Cheap or Free


In the spirit of leaping into new experiences, commit as a family to trying something none of you have done before. It could be anything from taking a pottery class together, trying a new cuisine, starting a family book club with a chosen book to read aloud, or even skydiving for the more adventurous clans. The key is to step (or leap) out of your comfort zone together.


Leap Day is a great opportunity to spread kindness and joy. As a family, choose a way to pay it forward—perhaps by volunteering at a local shelter, organizing a neighborhood clean-up, or baking treats for your local community heroes (firefighters, nurses, teachers). It’s a beautiful reminder that even small leaps of kindness can make a big impact. Here are some great blog posts with a little inspiration and some fun ideas to make the day special for yourself AND others: 

little girl drawing with sidewalk chalk, from Fun Cheap or Free


Gather as a family and discuss where each of you wants to be or what you hope to achieve by the next Leap Day. Write down these goals and dreams, and keep them in a safe place to revisit four years later. It’s a great way to encourage growth and dream big as a family.


In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often find ourselves saying “no” more than we'd like. Make Leap Day a “yes day,” where (within reason) you say yes to your kids' requests. Ice cream for breakfast? Sure! A family dance party in the living room? Why not! It's a fun way to create lasting memories and enjoy the spontaneity of life.

This Leap Day, take the chance to make extraordinary memories with your loved ones. Whether it's through creating, exploring, giving back, or simply spending quality time together, February 29th offers a unique opportunity to add a little extra leap of joy and adventure into your family's life.

Happy leaping!


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