Use This Money Saving Chart to Keep You Motivated – Free Printables!

Budgeting, How To Save Money

It's time to reach those financial goals and save for those things you've always wanted to do. Use our free money saving chart to help you get there! It's a fantastic visual that will keep you on track and motivated to save.

Woman using money saving chart, from Fun Cheap or Free

There are always things you'll want to be able to do and buy in your life, but sometimes they just feel so impossible… Something else always seems to get in the way, or it never feels like you'll actually have the money to get there.

Hold up, hold up, hold up! (Said like Tom Haverford, of course.) Not on our watch!

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Start using our free money saving chart printable to reach all of your hopes and dreams! It'll keep you focused with your eyes on the prize. You can use it for virtually anything – all you have to do is print it off and start coloring it in! So, what are we waiting for? Let's get on to…


hand coloring in money saving chart, from Fun Cheap or Free

We are allll about having multiple bank accounts and keeping up with all the different budgets using apps on your phone. For some, that's all you need. For others, you need more of a visual to keep you on track. Enter the money-saving chart! *And the crowd goes wiiiiiild*

A money saving chart is the perfect way to know exactly how much money you have in that particular savings account. We fully believe that you should use the 3-month rule before you make any purchases outside of your normal weekly ones. Our money saving chart is a great way to keep track of your money and keep you out of debt!


Pink ballet bag and slippers, from Fun Cheap or Free

Everything. Okay, maybe not everything… But if it's something that's going to cost you money outside of your weekly grocery and “other” budgets, then it will definitely work for you! Here are some of our favorite ways to use this money saving chart:

The sky's the limit here! You're not limited to just using the money saving chart in these ways. Use it however it helps you the most. The key is in having the money saved up before you make the purchase, whether it's something you're preparing for or it's unplanned. This is one of the best ways to stay out of debt and stop overspending!


Free printable money saving trackers, from Fun Cheap or Free

We've made a free printable money saving chart just for you! 10 of 'em, as a matter of fact. 😉 Print however many you need out and hang them somewhere you can easily see and color in.


Okay, you've got your money saving chart printed and ready to go… Now what? It's time to save that monay monay! This could be as simple as choosing to make your favorite Swig drink at home instead of hitting up that drive-through window. You could also do a money saving challenge to really up the prize. We have compiled a list of the ultimate ways to save money, so be sure to check that out!

It doesn't have to be hard, but you will have to make a few sacrifices in the short run in order to reach your financial goals. You may even find that you love this new way of frugal living! It really opens up what you're able to do and achieve in your life.


Loving the sound of this? Then you should definitely check out Budget Boot Camp! It's our super fun online video program that helps make your finances and budget easy to understand, manage, and get under control. Wanna hear more?

Doesn't that sound like so much fun?! We're so sure you'll love it, we even offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Plus, use the code FCFBLOG for 10% off at checkout! You've got nothing to lose.

Looking for more money madness?

Start saving!


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