The Block Scheduleā„¢ System! What It Is, How It Works, and How It Will Change Your Life!

Lifestyle, Productivity, Video

Change up how you plan and schedule your time with the Block Scheduleā„¢ and you'll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish. We've even got a free time blocking template you can use to make your own schedule!

Jordan holding block schedule, from Fun Cheap or Free

If you have followed me on Instagram for a while, chances are you have heard me refer to my “Block Scheduleā„¢ System” many times. The Block Scheduleā„¢ System is something I made up years ago that has increased my productivity by 10-fold (or more!) and is hands-down one of the most useful, viral, and effective principles I share in all of my Productivity Boot Camp program (psst use the code FCFBLOG for 10% off!).

The block schedule not only helps you get more done in a day WITHOUT burnout, helps with time management, and makes your home insanely stress-free, but will also magically free up HOURS of time for you to fill with things that fulfill you most, and you never feel like you have time for!

If only it babysat and cured cancer, it would basically do it all…

*Note: When you click the links in this post, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

It's one of those concepts that is extremely simple, but is literally life-changing…it does take a second to explain and understand! Thus, by popular request, I've decided to do something a little unconventional. Though we have an hour-plus long video about it in Productivity Boot Camp, I have decided to make a condensed (but still thorough, don't worry) version of this systemā€”what it is, how it works, and how it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE once you try it! Not only that, but I have included a FREE Block Scheduleā„¢ template (see below) so you can make a block schedule of your own, TODAY!

First, a few quick things to note before we get to the video…


The video is long, I fully understand. But plleeeeeaaassssseeeee be sure to watch the ENTIRE video! I can't stress this enough! I answer FAQs at the end, I show a second scenario with a completely new set of circumstances and examples, and 99.9% of the questions that arise will be answered by the end if you just stick it through! So put on your headphones, let the dishes pile up, or choose a giant pile of laundry to sort, and just listen/watch while doing something else and you'll get through the video in no time.


My examples are simply my examples. Yes, my schedule and circumstances are different than yours. Isn't that awesome?? This system is DESIGNED TO WORK FOR EVERYONE! Single parent? Student? Work full-time? Stay at home mom? Retired? Amazing! Keep watching and just keep in mind that my examples are just examples and your only job is to understand how the block schedule works. Then, plug in your own life instead of mine!


You may watch and think “no way, this could never work for me, this crazy lady truly is crazy!” Well…I am a little crazy. You have that right. However, I DARE you to try it and tell me how it's not helpful for you. Truth is, it may not be. Maybe somehow you'll be an outlier that this system simply can't help. But lucky for just about everyone else in the universe, there is at least ONE nugget that will help 100% of you become more productive or manage your time better. That's how confident I am in this system.

Ok enough blabbing, let's get on with it!


Watch the block scheduleā„¢ video online or click and watch below:

So there you go!

Intrigued? Again, I promise, if you try it, it WILL help your productive journey! Just be sure to adapt it to work for you! Let's recap a few key details here, for ya.


Image with text that reads "how to block your time" from Fun Cheap or Free

Have you ever found yourself saying “I'm too busy to…” or “I don't have time to…” Everyone who has ever lived, even Einstein himself, has the exact same amount of time in their day, which is 24 hours. So what makes one person busier or more productive? It all comes down to choice and how you use those hours in your day! That's right!

Productivity ninja comin' at ya with all the tips on this system! Life is busy. Between kids, husband, work, home, etc. I rely on productivity. I live and breathe by The Block Scheduleā„¢. So what is it?

Stop living your life hour by hour and start living block by block! Focus your time on certain tasks during a specific block and let everything else go. Be ALL IN on your current block.


Customizable block schedule template on a counter, from Fun Cheap or Free

I've broken my day up into about 3-hour blocks! I write down everything I might want to accomplish into each 3-hour block and this helps to structure my days during the week. When something comes up, I automatically know what block it fits into.

  • Need to go shopping? Goes in the errands block.
  • Work project goes into the work block!
  • Laundry needs to go in the morning block!
  • Doctor appointment? Schedule it into the errands block.
  • Cleaning up can fit in the morning block or the bedtime block.
  • Want to visit a friend or neighbor? Errands block.

Planning each day becomes quicker and easier because I've established my blocks. Not only that but when I get to a block, I don't need to sit around and wonder what I need to work on! I've already determined the tasks that are important for each block. Sure, it changes from day to day! But the framework is there.

Envelope budget method ad blade, from Fun Cheap or Free

Remember, your schedule may be different each day, but the blocks are probably pretty similar. You just need to remember where each task fits in and you plug daily tasks into your blocks.


As promised, here's the FREE Block Scheduleā„¢ template so you can make your own block schedule! It is an editable file so you can add your own daily schedule to the printable before printing!


Free block schedule template on a computer, from Fun Cheap or Free

It's so easy to block your time with this editable block scheduleā„¢ printable! Make sure to download it and save it to your desktop so you can edit and print. Once you've plugged all the possible tasks into each block, set timers on your phone to help you transition from block to block!


Jordan holding Productivity Planner, from Fun Cheap or Free

Hooked on the block schedule?? We don't blame you! Grab your own Productivity Planner and you'll be set! We have a 3-month and a 6-month planner that will set you up for success.

Do you feel disorganized? Stressed? Burnt out? Unfulfilled? Ready to say “BUH-BYE” to that state of overwhelm without giving up the things that mean the most to you? Say hello to the ultimate productivity guide! The Productivity Planner by Jordan Page is your step-by-step guide to getting more done while enjoying more free time.

  • This is not your typical planner! It's not just about your scheduleā€”it's about getting things done.
  • Learn to prioritize family time and self-care while still meeting your obligations by working smarter, not harder.
  • Learn practical and effective solutions for creating routines and systems that work for you and your family.
  • Includes a step-by-step guide to the viral ā€œblock scheduleā€ system.
  • Walks you through every week, making sure you complete tasks while still finding room for guilt-free ā€œme time.ā€

I hope you give time blocking a try and let me know how you adapt it to work for you!

For more productivity tips, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. We keep it real and are constantly sharing ideas and tips to help you get more done!

Image with text that reads "schedule your day in blocks" from Fun Cheap or Free

Be sure to try Productivity Boot Camp for even more productivity and time-management ideas! Use the code FCFBLOG for 10% off!

Pretty exciting, right?!

Here are a few more of my favorite productivity tips:

Happy blocking, Freebs!

Jordan F Page signature from Fun Cheap or Free


  1. Brenda Lynch

    Never thought of my day as a ‘high school schedule’ before…. but WOW!! Fantastic. Thanks so much!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      You’re welcome! Let me know how it goes for you!

  2. Julie

    Most days I’m scatterbrained and overwhelmed trying to do so many different tasks and always feeling behind! I’m excited to try this! Hoping I can get my husband to try it for a week too!

    • Kimi Kujawa

      ?ā€ā™€ļøscatterbrained, overwhelmed, always behind….. I’m right there with you Julie?

  3. Kelly

    I printed the Schedule on Google Devices Is there any way I can fill it out on the PC before printing it?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      It is just a PDF, you can create a simple one in any word program to edit it on the computer if you want.

  4. Dani

    Hey, Jordan! Love your Block Schedule and thank you for the free printable! How did you make your color-coded and editable? Cheers!

  5. Dani

    K, but how do I get a super-cute colorful block schedule like yours??? I’m totally on board! This already fits in so well with how my days already flow, I’m excited for the focus this will add to it. Thank you for sharing!

    • Corey

      I know! I want her color coded one too!

      • Christy

        Dani and Corey, if you will create a spreadsheet in excel, you can fill the blocks with whatever color coding you want!

        • Jessica

          Thank you I wanted to know that too!

  6. Sharon

    I just printed my weekday & weekend block schedules and set my alarms. This is going to be a game changer, I just know it. Thank you so much for sharing. I love both your productivity & budget boot camp programs. You are amazing. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re an inspiration to me and countless moms out there. I hope to meet you and Bubba in person someday. Come to Canada next? šŸ˜‰

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! So glad to hear you are loving the programs. We will try!

  7. Kina

    Thanks for sharing! Iā€™m working on a schedule and will give it a trial run this week!

  8. Emily

    I have two questions. First, Iā€™m 37 weeks prego (with three at home already). How do you do anything the first months after baby? I feel like Iā€™m in survival mode during that time.

    Second, what do weekends look like?

  9. Serena McLaurin

    I recently graduated and am definitely struggling to figure out how to be productive on my own without feeling so overwhelmed that I end up procrastinating and even more stressed out as a result so I am super excited to give this a go! I am even more excited about being able to learn all these incredible life skills early on! This is the kind of material schools should be teaching students for home room.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Yay! I’m excited for you to try it, let me know how it goes!

  10. Cyn Gagen

    Do you use time blocking on weekends too?

  11. Laura

    Thanks so much!! How do you handle weekends?

  12. Samantha

    I made 2 separate ones – 1 for the 5 days I work, and 1 for my 2 days off. I added the background colors to make it fun and pop out when I look at it. I’m getting serious about my productivity!!

  13. Tanya Maglio

    Jordan as a mom of two who’s daughter just started Kindergarten this will be a game changer for me. I’m a SAHM but also have some work to do for our family business that I find hard to fit in. Do you have a fresh empty blocked schedule for everyday that you put your to-dos/lists on in the blocks or do you just work from your To-do book/planner mostly?

  14. Elizabeth Altenhofen

    This is my second day using it. WOW! I have now found that missing time! I’m in school for my MSN and working full time. This is an amazing concept. Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. Mareika

    I LOVE this! I’m amazed by the Choresticks as well! I’m definitely getting my 2 boys in check with that system! How do I get my husband to be a part of it all? he’s still “old school” when it comes to chores. (husband works outside the house and wife inside!) aaarrrg

    • SHARON

      I found that mine is more motivated to do the jobs he cares about. So I said I don’t care if our bathroom gets cleaned every week.I have a hard enough time keeping the main bath clean. If he wants it clean then he will need to clean it. I don’t mind a little clutter but he doesn’t like it. I say if bothers you you can take care of it. I don’t have the energy or desire. I hope that makes sense

  16. Ambaa

    What a great idea! I’ve struggled withs chedules because I always get derailed and then feel angry with myself and give up. This macro schedule would be much easier for me. I’m going to try it right away.

    Found you through Youtube and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  17. Tasha

    I love this video! I am an LDS stay-at-home mom. I recently had our 9th baby and I just needed some motivation to know how to manage everything on my plate. Thanks for teaching us what you do!! I appreciate your example!

  18. Eryn

    Loved your video! I’m excited to start blocking out my day šŸ™‚ Thank you

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Thanks! Let me know how it goes!

  19. Micheline

    Hey Jordan,
    All I can say is THANKYOU! This system has legitimately changed my life. Itā€™s interesting how much more you get done when the clock is ticking, as a mom Iā€™m always thinking in multitask mode which isnā€™t always fruitful because I end up forgetting things or getting sidetracked. This system has really helped me focus on 1 thing at a time and ultimately get some sanity back in my day!
    You Rock!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      I’m so glad to hear that it has helped you so much! Thanks for sharing ?

  20. Caitlin Butikofer

    After a 3 hour meltdown from feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and just stressed out, this notification immediately popped up from Jordan about the block schedule. Talk about prayers being answered! Thank you Jordan for being awesome and sharing your secrets with us. I love you, you’re awesome, you’re so fun to listen to, and I’m looking forward to giving this block schedule a shot!!

  21. Lacie Kennett

    I’m making my rough draft of my block schedule right now! (I say rough draft because I’m sure I’ll have to tweak a few things after a few days to get it just right haha). I absolutely love this concept! Great way to run your days, instead of letting your days run you! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us, Jordan. You’re my mom hero! God Bless!

  22. Victoria

    So I am a 21 year old single, child free, female. I work part time and donā€™t go to school. I feel like this schedule would help me be more organized but I feel like I donā€™t have enough things to do within my day… Are there any other general block ideas that you or anyone might suggest?

    • Lynnie

      Volunteer? Always have a book to read? Keep up with friends & family either visiting or online.

  23. Antonella

    I soooo needed this. I watched the video this morning and jumped straight to it. I loved how you stressed not to do one schedule for each day of the week. I work 2 days a week and volunteer 2 days a week so I was tempted to do like 3 versions, but no! I followed your advice and found blocks that work even for the days I’m out of home. Fantastic!

  24. Haley

    LOVE this idea! I watched the video and it really did strike a cord with me! I want to try it out! Would you be willing to ad an image of your exact block schedule to the post?! The one you’re holding in the image thumbnail! I think that would help me better see what I should and can plan for myself! thanks so much for sharing!

  25. Kellee Overholser

    What do your kids do for quiet time? My 4 year old is in her bedroom for an hour and a half for quiet time and she gets so bored. I can’t imagine her having quiet time for three hours.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      My kids donā€™t have it for the full 3 hours. Usually more like 1-1.5 hours. Iā€™ll set out crafts, turn on a movie, set up a play date at a friendā€™s house, have them nap, etc.

  26. Mellie

    This was great. Ironically Iā€™ve been trying my own version of the block schedule for almost a year and yes the one hour block does not work. I was trying to block my time just like high school and with small kiddos it was not working out. It didnā€™t occur to me to increase my block time to 2-4 hours. I am curious though, have you ever played with doing less time for some blocks? For example scheduling a 30 min music practice time that is at the EXACT same time each day? Excited to try out the larger blocks and already feel confident it will work based on the ā€œduhā€ (face palm) Iā€™m feeling about not thinking of switching the time up sooner. Thanks! Congrats with baby #6!!

  27. KD

    HI! Did I miss the early November sale for PBC you mentioned in the Q & A Tuesday on YouTube? I was watching your website but didn’t see it. Thanks.

  28. Marilyn

    I’m the type who works well up against a deadline and I have no problem letting go once the deadline has passed (probably why I worked at a newspaper!) so this will work well for me I think. I often feel overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, yet don’t like exact schedules. I’m divin’ in!

  29. Kirsten

    This is so helpful! Thanks so much for all you do, I love all tips and tricks!

  30. Heather Williams

    Work at home mom of 4 here! Thank you SO much for this! I am a high energy, motivated, business building PROCRASTINATOR! My goals the last few years have been to get more organized, over and over again. I really love this concept and am implementing it TODAY! Woo hoo! I really need to find something that works for our family, and I think this may be exactly what I need to try. I also recently found your envelope budget system, and I’m excited to give that a go too! Excited to have found your website and channel, and to find more of your amazing life hacks!

  31. Justina

    If you have a longer commute to work, say 35-45 minutes, would you include that in your work block, Morning/Evening Block, or a separate block? I typically listen to an audiobook while driving and I’m trying to listen to ones about productivity and such, although sometimes it’s just nice to listen to something light and easy. Also, I love that I can set up my car’s bluetooth to broadcast it before I leave my driveway, so I’m not on my phone at all while driving.

  32. Christine

    Thank you so much for this info. Where did you get the clipboard ??

  33. Olga

    Hello Jordan, a few other have already asked about and I would also be very interested to know how you handle your weekends with this system?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      My weekend system looks a lot different! šŸ™‚

  34. Bev Hitchcock

    I just watched your video today. I downloaded an app on to my phone witb timers so that I can keep my day scheduled and not waste so much time. I’m a stay at home wife, mother of 2 adult children and grandma to 3 amazing children ages 9,5 & 4. Wish me luck as I try to get my time reorganized. And thank you for being so open about your faith.

  35. Rea

    Do you seriously move on and leave things undone? I think that’s why I’m willing to give this a try, I tend to always have everything else I need to do in the back of my mind. I make lists and push myself to get everything done. But I notice that I don’t really relax even when it’s supposed to be a relaxing time. So, today was my first day. But I’m not sure if I should seriously leave the laundry until tomorrow since I’m in a different block? I am the kind of person who will just keep adding things to blocks until they’re maxed out. Help! How do I keep from overloading my time blocks?

  36. Maxine

    Hi! How do you think the block system can work for a law student whose dismissal varies daily? šŸ™‚ My class ends at 5PM , 8PM, 7PM, and 11AM on different days of the week.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Hi Maxine! You just change your block for each day- so say you have 3 blocks a day, adjust them around depending on your needs and the times your class gets out. That is the beauty of the blocks.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      More is discussed in Productivity Boot Camp but let me know if that makes sense. šŸ™‚

  37. Maxine

    Hi! I reaally want to try using your block system. But how do you think it could work for a law student whose schedule varies throughout the week? šŸ™‚ Depending on the day, I get dismissed at either 8PM, 5PM, 7PM or 11AM. And I go to school at 10AM every day. So I’m having a hard time imagining a feasible block schedule. šŸ™

    Any help would be super appreciated!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      I would maybe try blocking your time for the latest possible time you get out- all week. Then adding some misc. things you can do for the days you get out early. So you would have a super set, intentional morning block, school block, and then 8pm on block: which would probably be fairly basic like eating a quick pre-prepped meal and preparing for the next day (and studying because LAW SCHOOL) etc. But with those things set in place you could then have your running list of the things you fit in during your “wild card” hours. šŸ™‚

  38. Kristina Eskra

    Love this! Trying it starting tomorrow!!!

  39. Karina Taumaturgo

    Hi Jordan! Thanks for sharing and for sure I will try with my routine. Im from Brazil and I love your videos.?

  40. Sabrina Jackson

    Hi I just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog!!!!!! It has helped my stat at home mom life manageable. I have just recently started my own personal blog and wanted to do a post about how your block schedule has saved my life. Is that ok with you if I link back to this page and put up no images or content that are from your site? It will purely be about how I implement block scheduling into my day. Again I will also link back to this page and reference your blog. Thanks again for all your posts! I LOVE THEM

  41. Elaine

    My Husband has Severe Adult ADHD and I made him watch this video last night to help his day. He is always overwhelmed and can get distracted, off task and all kinds of discombobulated during the day. He is super excited about this concept to keep him on tract. Especially the usage of alarms. He was so excited that he even brought your video up at work during the morning meeting where they then, all sat and watched your video together! There is a reason you are viral and amazing thank you so much for all the great advice!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      That is so great to hear! I’m so glad it is helping your and your husband!

  42. Imperfectionist

    Love this concept so much, but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m one of the freaks who wonā€™t be able to make it work. Homeschooling four kids with different activities and classes each day of the week (including two teenagers who also work and volunteer, but donā€™t drive) I sometimes get 2 days a week that might be able to block similarly. šŸ˜®
    Still, a few of those nuggets might come in handy!

    • Beach Girl

      I was just going to ask if anyone had examples of a homeschooling block schedule because Iā€™m having a hard time wrapping my brain around 2-3 hour blocks! Love the idea, though!

  43. Kelly

    I cannot find the tuck in time link! Help is greatly appreciated šŸ™‚

  44. Ashleigh Bonner

    Thank you so much, Jordan! This will help me manage all of the goals I have and businesses I want to build.

    I watched your video at double-speed. Thank you for the thorough, informative, and hilarious video. I love your energy.


  45. Mindy

    I tried it for a week, it was awesome.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      So glad you found it helpful.

  46. Gosia

    Iā€™m trying to figure out blocks that will work for a 36 year old, single and childless freelancer. My schedule is rather unorthodox, even for a freelancer as I work for one institution four days a week. I donā€™t have a traditional weekend, my days off are on Thursdays and Sundays. Mondays and Wednesdays I start lectures at 2.30 and finish at 8.45, Tuesdays I work from home, Fridays I start classes at 1.45 and finish at 7. On Saturdays I work from 9.30 till 4.45 with a 45 min break. This is only class time, admin work, emails, counseling or workshops are not included. Any tips?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      That’s a hard one! My biggest tip would be to figure out what you NEED to get done on those work days, and then change the time that you do those things each day so that you are getting them done before or after classes.

  47. Mindi Brake

    This is brilliant! I was wondering if you have examples of what your blocks look like during summer break?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      They still basically stay the same, I just take out any school-related tasks and put in whatever summer-related tasks need to be added in! Some days we’re more relaxed than others, depending on what we need to get done.

  48. Roma Buloran

    I really learned a lot from you !!

    Btw, the link is not accessible šŸ™

    • FunCheapOrFree

      What link are you talking about? I just clicked on all of them and they’re working for me! If you’re talking about the free printable, you can get that HERE.

  49. Sharon

    Can you provide a link to the video where you go over the google calendar alarm? I can’t remember which one it was….thanks for all you do!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Hey Sharon! You can find the details and the link to that video in THIS POST. Enjoy! šŸ™‚

  50. Rhiannon

    Hey Jordan, I’m binge watching your videos. So many great ideas! I have 4 kids and #5 is on the way. You say so many things that resonate with me. Thank you so much for putting all this great information and ideas out there for other Moms to utilize.

    I was wondering if you use a different block system for the summer months?

    Thanks! You Rock!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      I just adapt our block system in the summer! In the morning we do our chore block, then our outing block, then my working block, then our dinnertime and bedtime blocks. I hope that helps! Congratulations on #5 šŸ™‚

  51. Wan Yu Tsai

    yeahhh love this

  52. Linda

    Hi Jordan,
    Thank you for sharing all these awsome ideas to get a grip on life and money!
    Your budgetting tips are very usefull to plan my income better and not run from paycheck to paycheck every month, without any back up for unexpected expenses.

    This block system looks super useful to me, but it seems hard to implement into my work schedule. I work fulltime in a rotating 3 shift system. First week morningshift 6-14, second nightshift 22-6 and third afternoon shift 14-22. My husband works mondays, thursdays and fridays and my two teenage daughters live with us 11 days out of 14 and with their father the other 3 days.
    Personally I have a hard time during the nightshift weeks, I walk around like a zombie and even colleagues are often worried about me. Getting enough sleep during the day time is the hardest part. My internal clock is so set on daylight that I can only manage to get 2 naps in of approx 2-2.5 hrs each.
    I hardly keep my eyes open during the nightshifts, but as soon as I step outside at 6am and the sun is coming up I am awake.

    I am going to play around in excel with your block concept and see if I can set up a 5 week schedule which fits in all of our family schedules. My husbands weekly schedule, my daughters weekly school schedule and their 2 weeks visitation schedule and my own 3 weeks schedule.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Hi Linda! I’m so glad to hear that my budgeting tips have helped you out! The block system will change your life once you are able to figure it out. It took some trial and error on my part until I was able to figure out what worked best when for my family. You’ll be able to get there, too! As far as getting sleep during the day for your night shift weeks, have you tried turning your room into a cave so that you don’t have any light in there at all? I’ve never had to work a night shift, so I’ve never had to deal with that problem but I know that it can be frustrating to not get enough sleep and barely be able to function!

      • Linda

        Hi Jordan,
        You were right I managed to come up with a week A/B/C schedule and a seperate schedule for the saturdays and sundays to transfer my sleep cycle from week A to B, B to C and C to A.
        We are into the second weekend now and so far it already has helped me lots. Thank you!

        My husband and kids can follow my schedule. i printed it out and put it up on a pin board were I use one coloured pin to point out in which week or weekendday we are.
        I set alarms in my iphone that go off when the new block starts. At work they were already used to me setting alarms for meetings i would otherwise forget, now my family grins everytime my alarm goes off šŸ˜‰

        The whole family is trying to work with me on it. Really awesome!

        Thank you again for sharing all this great info!

        • Jordan Page

          That’s so great to hear!!! I’m so glad that you are functioning better and that your whole family is on the same page as you are, yay!

  53. Ellyn Williams

    Hi Jordan! Thank you for the great tutorial on block scheduling! Iā€™m trying to implement one in our household. I have 3 small children, the oldest is in kindergarten and the other two stay home with me. Do you have any tips on how to do a block schedule for my children to help me stay on schedule with my block schedule??

    • Jordan Page

      I feel you! I schedule my time around my kids’ schedule. Nap time is always at the same time every day, so I’ll schedule work or important calls during that time so that I know that I’ll always be able to get to those items then. Even if all of my kids don’t nap, I still make them have quiet time or put in a movie for them during the baby’s nap time so that I can get some things done. I’ve also traded babysitting with neighbors/friends and gotten a local teen to babysit in the house during the summer to get things done! It’s hard with smaller kids, you just kind of have to schedule your blocks around them!

  54. Carmen N Mobberly

    Trying this out for myself. I am NOT an organized person and I can never stick with any sort of planner. I’ve tried over the years and they all collect dust and eventually get tossed out. This looks simple and possibly something I could stick with since it’s one day at a time. I’m working toward being an indie author, my son is getting ready to start school, and I’m starting training to start my own bookkeeping business, so I’m going to NEED to be more organized!! I’m putting mine into a bullet journal of sorts because I love writing things by hand and can think better that way.

    • Jordan Page

      It really is so simple! You’ll definitely be happy that you got organized now with all that you have going on in your life! A bullet journal sounds so fun, whatever helps you to keep up with it all šŸ™‚

      • Carmen N Mobberly

        My next goal is to sign up for your Productivity bootcamp as soon as I can spare the cash! I need all the help I can get in that area!

        • Jordan Page

          It is SUCH a great program! In case you haven’t seen, we are doing a flash surprise sale that’s good until midnight tonight! Use the code TWINS to get 22% off your order. XOXO

  55. Angelique

    I love the way that you get things done , you are an inspiration to me…

    • Jordan Page

      Thank you! I hope that you’re able to get something out of it as well! XOXO

  56. Annemie

    Thanks so much Jordan, not even therapy could get me out of the rut I was in for the past 2 years. For the first time I have answers and ideas on how to get my life back. I am overwork, and suffering with depression as a result. I have been struggling to unpack boxes from our bigger house for nearly 2 years, now finally I have a strategy, to start doing it. Same for tackling family, meal prep, budgeting challenges and just living! Thank you so much, you are like the big sister I never had who are able to teach me.

    • Jordan Page

      Oh goodness, I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles! I really hope that all of my tips can help you out! The block schedule definitely helps you to give a structure to your time that you didn’t know you were missing until you start it šŸ™‚

  57. Aubree Lowe

    Hey Jorda! I’m newer to your website and all it’s magic, but I’m loving it and eating it all up. The block system sounds like the missing piece to my staying-on-task puzzle. Do you have tips for those balancing new babies and bigger tasks? For example, I am trying to rearrange my kitchen today, something that could easily fit in a 3-ish hour block, but my 6 week baby is cluster feeding. I’m loving my nursing/sniggle time, but the kitchen isn’t a project I can leave undone with a spouse and 3 other kids. Any ideas how to be structured and flexible at the same time?

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Welcome and congratulations on your new baby! While I’m so excited that you’re really looking forward to using the block system, you’ve got to do what’s best for you and your family! If your baby needs you, then obviously you’ve got to do what your baby needs first (and that sounds like that’s what you’re doing!). Can your husband take the baby between you working on the kitchen and nursing? It sounds like if he could help out, then it would really be beneficial and you’d still be able to get some work done on your kitchen. The beauty of the block schedule is that it’s flexible and you can make it work with your schedule. I understand that you can’t let your kitchen rearranging sit until the next day, but usually you can leave whatever you didn’t get finished in a certain block today for tomorrow, if that makes sense. Good luck! šŸ™‚

      • Aubree

        Thanks Jordan, yes that all makes sense. And really kirchen projects are not an everyday thing. When big projects do come up, maybe I cam break them up into smaller tasks so that I CAN leave them for a later day if necessary. I was also thinking that perhaps in this tiny baby stage, I can super simplify my blocks into just morning and afternoon. It’ll be a small step toward better time and task management but still allow flexibility for baby needs. Thanks for the great ideas!

        • Fun Cheap or Free

          That all sounds good to me! As you well know, this baby stage doesn’t last forever so you should soak it up while you can! I know sometimes that’s easier said than done, but I’m sure you know what I mean. Morning and afternoon blocks would still work better than none at all! šŸ™‚

  58. Katie Marshall

    I love this, and have been doing this “loosely” since having kids. I look forward to formalizing my blocks a little more so I can get more done. Are you going to be coming out with a printed planner???? It would be amazing if you are!

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      It’s so great to hear that you’ve already been doing this! Formalizing them will really help you out to get more done and free up your time! šŸ™‚ And we ARE coming out with a printed planner, it’s coming so soon! Sign up for our email list on our main page so that you’ll be notified when it does! šŸ™‚

  59. Heather

    What if I don’t have Excel, I have a Mac book, how can I create your colored block schedule?

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Google Sheets would be your best bet!

  60. dyah

    Hi Jordan.. I’m from Indonesia. This block system is great help for me. This is life changing. I can divide my energy through the day and complete many chores everyday. Thanks a lot.
    I want to share this tips to other so I will attach this post link in my blog.
    Have a nice day. šŸ™‚

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      So glad to hear that! You are welcome to share the tips as long as you link to the post, like you said. šŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by from Indonesia!

  61. Dawn

    Hi Jordan.
    I just watched the You Tube on the time blocking. i love the concepts. I am overwhelmed trying to begin? any suggestions.

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      It sounds overwhelming, but it’s really not once you just jump into it and get going! šŸ™‚ Think about your day as a whole and see if you have any blocks that naturally form on their own, then work off of those. If dinner/activities/bed for kids always happens at the same time each day, then that’s one block to start with. Also thing about what all you’re needing to work into your blocks. If you’re wanting to do some things for you that aren’t fitting into your day (like working out, studying scriptures, getting ready by yourself), then you may have to wake up earlier to fit those in. Just know that each day may be a little different! You don’t necessarily have to go to the grocery store each day, so while you may do that one day a week, you’ll use that time differently for other things the rest of the days of the week. Good luck!

  62. Sonia

    Hi Jordan, I’m trying your block system. I work outside home and I’m also finishing my degree but my work schedule is always different: someday I work morning and afternoon and some other days all the afternoon until nine o’ clock , even my week schedule changes, every Saturday I receive my week’s schedule . How can I organize my time to be more efficient? Thanks

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Rather than focusing on time of the day to get things done, try coming up with blocks that can be moved around each day to fit your schedule. If you know that you’re always going to need to study/do school work, then come up with a block of time that you know you’ll need to have to get that done and move it around each day so that you always make sure to get that done. Do that with each block of time that you need to get done, then make you a new block schedule for the week after you get your new schedule on Saturday. You may not necessarily always be able to get 3 hours of studying and school work done every day, but you can move it around and make it fit into your schedule when you have time. Hope that helps! šŸ™‚

  63. Kristy

    Love the block system and itā€™s so helpful as a homeschool family with 4 kids. Iā€™m interested in the planner, any chance you will begin to sell as a pdf? šŸ™šŸ’•šŸ˜¬šŸ˜ƒ

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Not for the time being. But you never know when it might be on sale! šŸ˜‰ But if you’re not wanting to purchase the planner, just print out a bunch of the block schedules from this post and go to town! šŸ™‚

  64. Martina

    Hi, IĀ“m from Argentina, this is great, iĀ“ll start today. Thanks for sharing!

  65. Colleen

    Do you know when the productivity planner will be available again? I want it so badšŸ„°

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      We’re hoping in the next few months, but we’ve really gotten thrown off with everything that’s been going on! We did release the Productivity Planner Lite, which is a digital download you can use until you can get your hands on the spiral version. Be sure to get on the list with The Page Company HERE so you’ll be one of the first to know when they’re available again!

  66. Anna

    Iā€™ve been watching your videos for a little bit, love them, am learning so much about raising a family. I want to know how do you schedule weekends? Do you do the same or something totally different or sorta a mix?

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Saturday is usually doing something productive around the house that we weren’t able to get to during our normal cleaning during the week, like cleaning out the garage, doing yard work, that kind of stuff. We work hard and we play hard, but we don’t really stick to a strict schedule since there’s no school work to do. Sundays are church and family day, with lots of meal prep to get us ready for the coming week. Hope that helps! šŸ™‚

  67. Eloise

    How do handle daily to-lists?

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Since I use the Productivity Planner, it has a daily to-do list in it that I’ll write down and then move to each appropriate block. Before we came out with the planner, I used to use a To-Do Book to write everything down and then move them to the appropriate block on my block schedule printable. It’s pretty easy and is a great way to keep up with everything!

  68. Marie Ossart

    I started maternity leave today. Two weeks before my baby is due and I just didn’t know how to tackle my day and leftover tasks. This definitely helps me get into a new routine! I can see how this would accommodate during postpartum and breastfeeding as well!

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Congratulations on your new baby! It’s great that you can get into this awesome habit before the baby gets here. Good luck!

  69. Delta

    I really love this idea but I don’t know how to make it work for my life. I work part-time, but my shifts can start as early as 6.30am or finish at midnight! I also study full time and have weeks of placements! How am I meant to make this flexible?

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Make each day work for you! Come up with a schedule for each type of day (working early, working late, etc.) and use that day’s schedule when it’s time. Make it less about each day of the week being the same and more about making each day work for you!

  70. Rachel

    This is brilliant I am so excited to try this. I usually have a list for the whole day and it seems so much I never do it right! This block idea is AMAZING! Thank you Jordan
    (And I am a married woman with only 1 toddler LOL)

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Woohoo, so glad to hear! Hope it helps you out! šŸ™‚

  71. lynne

    I purchased your printable productivity planner, but I don’t know if am I supposed to double sided or not. I’m a bit confused

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      That’s really up to you! Printing it double sided would use less paper and is what most people do. But if your printer is hard to print things double sided, then you could print individually and use the blank back sides of the paper for notes or something!

      • Lynne

        If itā€™s not to much of a bother, could you please do a video of how, this planner could be used for a small business. I have a small crafting business and I would love to figure out how to make it work. I truly love the idea of this planner because of how it is setup. Iā€™m thinking about purchasing another one of these planners for mom life. btw I have 12 kids.

        • Fun Cheap or Free

          That’s a great idea! We also have examples of how people use their planners on our social media pages.

  72. Emily V.

    I just got my productivity planner and I love it šŸ¤© This printable is great as a bookmark in it. It would be awesome if this printable was the same horizontal landscape as the planner, too. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      That’s a great idea! SO happy you are loving the planner!


    I need these in app form. I think it is just what I am looking for but I need it on my devices with alarms and reminders

  74. Pamela M

    I’m not seeing a space for the discount code you offer. I’m enjoying all of the tips you are sharing.

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Hi Pam, feel free to send us a message to [email protected] and we can help you with this.

  75. Mika

    I find that as a breastfeeding mum my day is automatically arranged in a block schedule system. I am really appreciating the structure it brings to each day.

  76. Eliza

    How do I get this to print the entire page? It doesn’t matter what the page size, what print setting (i.e. default, fit to page, etc) I use, it still continues to cut off half of the first block. How do I fix this?

    • Kenzie Baney

      There is currently a free printable version of envelops on our website, just search “free envelopes”! BUT we are working on incorporating new monthly envelopes for you and will announce when they are live!

  77. puzzle ans

    This is a great system! I’m going to start using it!

  78. NB

    The block schedule video is private and won’t play

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Our YouTube channel is currently down, but we are working to recover it!

  79. terabox video downloader

    I completely agree! I’ve been using the block schedule system for a few months now and it has completely transformed my productivity and work-life balance. I love how it allows me to prioritize tasks and focus on the most important ones without feeling overwhelmed. It’s amazing how much more I’ve been able to accomplish with this system. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their productivity and reduce stress!


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