Why Summer Routines Are Important – A Day in the Life

Baby and Kids, Lifestyle, Video

A summer routine? What? Hey, just because it's summer doesn't mean we're sleeping in (though that's my dream staycation, yo). As soon as the sun's up, we're ready for a full day! Here's why it's important to block out time for productivity and fun.

family making faces, from Fun Cheap or Free

Oh my gosh, you guys! Even though summer can feel cray cray and chaotic, there's a way to keep sane. A little secret? People (even small ones) thrive on some form of routine. Without at least minimal planning, days can easily be filled with little people running around with no pants on (or pants on their heads), doing nothing.

Then when school comes back into session, kids end up so out of their schedules that it's hard to find that routine again for fall.

So what if I told you that you can keep a routine and still have a heck of a lot of fun? Yup! We're talking full on splash pads, playdates, movie nights, easy bedtimes, and even homebaked bread, all with a little planning. So are you ready? Let's get it!

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Watch the video online here and see how we keep plugging and chugging along during those fun summer days!

Here's a recap!


Even during the summer, my older kiddos are on a competitive tumbling team, so it's important that they're regularly practicing. Plus, let's be real here; school schedules in the fall are so much easier when I'm not trying to wake up grumpy kids who are used to staying up way too late. Summer routines are so important! #AmIRight


freshly made bed, from Fun Cheap or Free

This one's a biggie! It only takes a few seconds, and even if you do nothing else in your room, it feels so good tidying that one space. One way I keep bedmaking simple is to use this all in one Beddy's Bedding (use code JORDAN for 20% off). The comforter and the sheet are integrated, so it's a dream to pull your bed together! I love it. Also, speaking to a good night's sleep, my twins' bassinets are pretty much the best.

BTW, like my housedress? It's like a superhero cape, right? (Use the code “JORDAN” to save 10%.)


Truth: I want to get back in shape after the twins. I find that putting on my workout gear first thing pretty much solidifies that I'm going to work out that day. Once the kids get started on their chores, I'm cleaning up the kitchen, grabbing something to eat, and then getting my move and groove on!

On summer days like today, I grab my cheetah cold cup (it's like my tumbler spirit animal), load up the twins in the stroller, and walk my new puppy Rome at the same time before I get my older kids from tumbling practice.

And speaking of the kids…


As part of our summer routine, our kids start on their clipboards after breakfast. I love this clipboard system because it gets everyone started on their day and gets their zones and rooms cleaned. The kids get cleaned up, too (pretty danged important because those pearly whites don't clean themselves, people).

The kids are motivated to get their checklists done because they don't get screen time, friend time, or free time until those tasks are checked off. It's just a good way to make sure they're on track for the day and not just sitting around.

We keep our dry erase lists in our homework desk area because it's easy for the kids to find every day.

Plus, we all know kids naturally have their own schedules. This just keeps everyone organized. My four-month-old lovemuffin twins (Devereaux and Joss) keep me on my feet! Having pre-made freezer breakfasts and a kitchen helper like Hutch (it's his food day) makes all the difference so I can focus on the babies when they need me most.


filling out summer routine in the productivity planner from Fun Cheap or Free

I plan my daily blocks either the night before or the next morning while the kids are tackling their clipboards. And seriously? My block schedule system has been a life changer, you guys. It helps schedule my day with so much flexibility! #MamaNeeds

P.S. Want to get your very own planner? They're in high demand, and they're coming back in stock (Wooo!). Text FCFText to 833-520-0668 so you know when to score your productivity planner (there's also a printable version)!

My kids have their own block planners, too. Theirs is far less schedule-based. Their summer days are planned out in three routine batches:

  • Work – They either tell me a chore they'd like to get done, or I tell them what we need to get done that day. That's in addition to their zones and their daily norm.
  • Learn – They can choose an activity like playing a math game on the computer, an art class on YouTube, or writing in their journal.
  • Play – I want them to be in charge of their free time, so they can hang with friends, play outside, pretty much whatever they want.


Reading is fundamental! Even if your kids are too young to read on their own, get an older brother or sister involved. It's super cute to see the kids cuddled together reading, and it makes everyone stronger readers.


Ready to have your mind blown? Grab that leftover burrito (or pizza) and make it fabulous again with this quick tip: Just heat it in the microwave and then crisp it up in a hot pan. It tastes nice and fresh! Pssst…get more clever cooking ideas over at Shelf Cooking.


various snacks on a table, from Fun Cheap or Free

So many people ask me how I organize snacks in the summer because when kids are home, they eat… a lot! Check out my snack system, which details how we handle snacks and lunches. Spoiler alert: If it's in a wrapper, we don't eat it at home – especially in the summer.


Finding the time to work with kids at home in the summer? It's a challenge, especially when you work from home! I talk a lot about how I balance work with family, so check it out!


We usually try to plan fun activities in the afternoon, whether it's swimming or heading indoors to a trampoline park. In a summer routine, family fun is as simple as breaking out our Slip N Slide in the backyard! And while my little twins aren't quite big enough to bounce, slip, or slide, they love these fun baby chairs!


You know I like to plan simple, affordable dinners! One way I do this is with the Favoreats app (use code JORDAN15 for 15% off). I love to prep by buying packages of chicken, cooking it all up at once with basic seasonings, shredding, and then freezing it so I can use it in things like casserole. Then I zhoozh up the meal with something easy, like this delicious rustic bread recipe (you can thank me later).


boy cleaning the floor, from Fun Cheap or Free

We like to do what we call a blitz cleaning while dinner is cooking. Everyone heads to their respective zones and cleans for about 15-20 minutes while dinner bakes. Do it, people! It makes all the difference! Here's a breakdown on how I clean my house.

My favorite cleaning cloth? Whoop, here it is! Use code JORDAN for 10% off.


Wait – what, Jordan? Shower before dinner? Yes, and here's why. Kids get sweaty, slathered in sunscreen, or covered in pool chlorine. (Today, they were covered in grass and dirt from the slip and slide.) Not only are they getting cleaned up and ready for bed, I'm getting most of the dishes done before we eat (win-meet-win). This way (fingers crossed) after dinner, we can enjoy a movie night! #NetflixWontWatchItself By the way, for more bedtime ideas and tips, check out my bedtime routine with kids!


So there you have it! Our summer routine builds in plenty of time for family, productivity, and even a workout (and work). See for yourself – take what I've shared and make it work for your family. The laughs, cuddles, and snuggles are worth it!

Image with text that reads "how to find a summer routine" from Fun Cheap or Free

Wanting more great ideas?

Enjoy your summer days (and wear your sunscreen)!

Jordan Page Signature from Fun Cheap or Free


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