Disclosure Policy



I’m a blogger. And the reality of being a professional blogger is that the work never sleeps. The stress never sleeps. But the passion never sleeps either. So, as you can imagine, the reality of the situation is…my blog makes money. Now, don’t misunderstand my intentions here. I’m not telling you this, begging you to click on as many pages as possible on my site (though, every page view counts so I do hope you take a look around the site every once in a while…). Rather, I’m just hoping it will help you understand WHY my blog functions the way it does, and hoping that it will make you more compassionate toward the tiny inconveniences that might need to occur on mine and other blogs.Occasionally, FunCheapOrFree receives compensation in the form of sponsored posts, affiliated links and other collaborations with trusted partners. I want to provide full disclosure so you know exactly what, when and why you may see posts of this nature on this, and other blogs –

  • Sponsored posts and product reviews. Unlike many bloggers, I hate these. Sure, brands are willing to pay a TON for a good sponsored post. But I feel like it makes my opinions seem in genuine – even if they aren’t – when you see “sponsored by” at the bottom of the post. So just know that when I do do them, I am very picky. I will only put my name behind something I truly believe in.
  • Giveaways. I really should do more of them because, heck, who doesn’t like free stuff?? But more than anything it really boosts social media numbers which helps make this blog more successful, which in turn, helps everyone be able to get more free content.
  • Ads. This is the most important one. If you read nothing else read this! Ads are pretty much the easiest, most passive way to make income on a blog. Sure, ads are tacky. They are ugly and even annoying sometimes. But…you as the reader don’t have to pay a dime for them. You don’t have to “like” me on Facebook for them. You don’t have to click on them or buy anything. They just exist, and I get paid based on how many page views my site receives.
  • Affiliate relationships. I have a few products or companies that I have decided to work with because I love their product and use/endorse them personally. By using a unique link I get money for every purchase made using my link. Amazon, for example. If I’m ever talking about a product (and if I remember to do it) I’ll use an Amazon link because they pay a small percentage of anything that sells. It’s not much, but again, every dime helps. Deals To Meals is actually an affiliate relationship too. I used them for 1.5 years before I got the courage to ask them to work out an affiliate deal. I still use them to this day. So just be mindful that if you ever see any links linking to pages or products, the blog might just get paid for clicking through to them. When you do, you are keeping the FunCheapOrFree dream alive, and I thank you for your support!
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by Jordan Page, and FunCheapOrFree.com, LLC. For questions about this blog, please contact [email protected].This policy has been in place and valid from July 7th, 2010 through today. Thank you for your support!signature2


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