30 things I wish I would’ve known when I was younger…

About Jordan

30 things I wish I would've known when I was younger! From FunCheapOrFree.com

As most of you know, I turned the big 3-0 last month! I know some people dread hitting their 30's, but I have to say, I have this feeling it's going to be my best decade, yet. I realized I forgot to share my “30 things I wish I would've known when I was younger”.

It's really just for fun since, well, who doesn't love random fun? Hope you enjoy. Be sure to subscribe to my FunCheapOrFree YouTube Channel where I share live Q&A's, home tours, and other goodness.


1- All the “cool people” you want to impress… yeah, they aren't that cool.

2- Your mom was right… about all the things.

3- Marry a man with good substance, and a big heart, as opposed to just being extremley good looking. Here's a hint… YOU GOT BOTH! SCORE!

4- Being a mom is the coolest, and hardest thing you will ever get to do.

5- Your eyes will  not get stuck when you cross them. Mom was wrong about that 🙂

6- Mean people really do suck.

7- Everything you need to know in life, you learn in kindergarten. SO PAY ATTENTION!

8- Book smarts are important, but you need street smarts, too. Polish your social skills, your work ethic, problem solving skills, and the like. It's those street smarts that will carry you through adulthood, not the memorization of a textbook.

9- Wear sunscreen!

10- Stop scrutinizing your body. You'll grow up, have babies, and your body is going to change anyway. Be happy and confident in your own skin.

11- Life doesn't end as you age — it gets BETTER! My life began when I got married; I had more adventures, more fun, and everything just gets better and better. Promise 🙂

12- Bread makes you fat. It's true. I'm sorry.

13- Puffy bangs are not flattering… especially with crimped hair. Avoid it. Please?

14- Girls are kinda crazy. We come with drama, and emotions built in; it's not about you! We are all a little wacky. Surround yourself with good, solid, and loyal friends… you'll make it through!

15- Cherish your time with grandparents. They won't live forever, and their stories can be carried through YOU. Value them!

16- When mom teaches you how to cook, LISTEN.

17- Hey, young Jordan… Your music sucks. Seriously.

18- Money will NOT solve your problems, and it does NOT grow on trees… but, it will buy you cute shoes. So, that's never a bad thing!

19- The only person holding you back is YOU. Whatever you want in life, you can have! Get creative, and be scrappy… anything can happen!

20- Don't throw away your old clothes, because chances are they WILL come back in style. I'm looking at you overalls!

21- Moms really do have eyes in the back of their heads. Honest to goodness eyes. It's a real thing.

22- Modest is hottest, and morals are super sexy. You'll get way more attention being classy, than trashy.

23- You think your hormones are crazy as a teenager? Oh, just you wait. Buckle up, being pregnant brings a whole new level of crazy train to the party! (But, it's worth it!)

24- Surround yourself with friends who love you for YOU.

25- If you want a good friend, be a good friend.

26- Don't judge your parents for the way they dress… the older I get, the better mom jeans sound. Or sweats… Mom sweats! Yes, that should be a thing. #JUSTSAYIN

27- You know all those things mom says that you just know are totally stupid, and soooo lame? Yeah, you're going to be saying those same things, word for word to your own kids. So, chances are, whatever she's saying is pretty valid.

28- Growing up is super fun… but also super expensive, and stressful! Stop rushing it!! Enjoy being young. Soak it all in. You'll miss it!

29- Don't wait until your older to pursue your dreams. Start RIGHT NOW.


30 things I would tell the younger me! Life only gets better with age! www.FunCheapOrFree.com

It was fun to reflect. What would you tell YOUR younger self if you had the chance? Curious, let me know below!

Happy reflecting 😉

Jordan Page Signature from Fun Cheap or Free


  1. Laura Loewen

    I would tell my younger self to spend more time with family, that those relationships will be the ones I value more than a lot of the friends I chose to hang out with in my younger years; that as much as you can roll your eyes and be annoyed with your parents – family is family and we need to cherish them while we have the chance. <3

    • FunCheapOrFree

      LOVE THIS! THanks for sharing!

  2. Ashley

    Great list! Funny and true!

  3. Mel

    30s are the best years ever!! I am having so much fun! Thank you for this awesome post. 22-

    “Modest is hottest, and morals are super sexy. You’ll get way more attention being classy, than trashy.” is my fave!!!! So true and yet so many people “forget” nowadays.

    Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com

  4. Sheena

    Bread. Puffy Bangs. Overalls. Yes. Yes. Yes! lol! This made me laugh, thanks for sharing! And, I also totally agree 30’s is the best decade! I’m almost 34 and loving it!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Haha glad you liked it, and thanks for watching! XO


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