30+ Things you Probably DIDN’T Know About Me!

About Jordan, Inside FCF

You know those fun icebreaker games you play at team retreats and meetings? Well, I've been missing them, so I decided to round up a list of random fun facts for you guys. Here are more than 30 things you probably didn't know about me!

35 things you didn't know about Jordan Page, from Fun Cheap or Free

You know we love a good conversation starter around here! It never hurts to have a few fun facts in your back pocket, so let's play a game, Freebs! I've come up with a totally random but fun list of 30+ things I bet you didn't know about me. Wanna play along?

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Whether you're curious or just bored, here's a little somethin' somethin' to spice up your day. Give my list a read, and then see if you can come up with your own. This could also make for a fun date night idea if you need one! Hope you enjoy!


Jordan Page favorite foods, from Fun Cheap or Free

Okay, you guys know I love a good meal, right? I mean, I launched a whole site devoted to cooking for goodness sakes! (Pssst… check it out: shelfcooking.com!) But I bet you didn't know these things about me:

  1. Soggy bread makes me want to barf.
  2. I could eat sushi every single day. That and corn dogs. But not at the same time, that would be gross.
  3. I don't really understand the appeal with Chick Fil A. Yes, I know they have a pretty hard-core fanbase, though, so don't tell anyone I said that out loud, mmmmkay? (I don't want to get flogged!)
  4. I love A1 sauce and will eat it by itself when no one is looking. But only with a fork. A spoon would be weird.
  5. Slushy drinks are my obsession. Not Slurpees, SLUSHYs. Namely blue coconut cream slush from Sonic. Dreamy!
  6. I LOVE pasta. Give me all the noodles. Sign me up for anything pasta-related.
  7. Sour candy is life. And those mini Cadbury eggs. Oh, baby, I can't wait for Easter!

Pretty random, huh? Oh, just you wait! I've got more juicy randomness coming your way.


Okay, I don't know how to categorize these next fun facts, exactly, but I'm gonna go with health and wellness! Here we go! I bet you didn't know that:

  1. I only shower every other day. Always have. I'm just not that stinky, don't judge me!
  2. I can't physically make noise when I laugh due to growths on my vocal cords (which are also responsible for the raspy voice that I lose AAAAALLLL the time). After years of practicing and perfecting, I can now squeeze out about four “hahaha's” in a row, which I'm very proud of. Thus, the first thing I notice about almost anyone is their laugh. Yes, this is extremely sad for me because humor is such a huge part of my life. And yes, now you will all notice this now that I told you my big secret. DANG. It's ok, in my next life I will also have the most amazing boisterous belly laugh you've ever heard. It'll be epic.
  3. I've never been stung by a bee. Should I carry an Epi-Pen just in case? Anyone?

Are you still with me? Let's keep going!


The Page Twins, from Fun Cheap or Free

Family is everything to me! I love sharing about our kids, parenting, marriage and more, but here are a few fun facts you may not know:

  1. I not so secretly always wanted twins, even when I had 6 kids. Hey, I've always been a fan of 2-for-1 deals! My wish finally came true when Joss and Dev were born!
  2. No one closes bathroom doors at our house, including Bubba and me. In fact, we completely removed the bathroom door in our first home because it was more annoying than anything. I have to make a conscious effort to remember to close doors when company comes over.
  3. Bubba and I met on a road trip in college, but we were so far in the “friend zone” we don't even have any pictures together from that weekend. Eight months later it all changed, almost overnight, and we were talking about marriage only a few weeks after we started dating.
  4. I have no sisters (sandwiched between 2 brothers) and have always had a hard time understanding women as a result. Ironic, I know.

Okay, time for more randomness! Let's talk about fears and phobias. Can you guess mine?!


Am I afraid of heights? Mice? Let's find out! Here are more things you didn't know about me:

  1. I LOVE the water and would love to live on a lake someday, but have an absolute irrational fear of water sports and have a hard time having fun on boats. If you try to get me on a tube tied to a boat I'll snap your elbow.
  2. I am an irrational neurotic mess when it comes to my kids and roads/parking lots. And them falling off of things. I freak out around any kind of railing or edge. 
  3. I am not afraid of spiders or rodents. Not even a little bit. But I will get physically ill if I even think about boogers coming from anyone other than my own kids. Ted Cruz, you're dead to me.

I know, I know. it's a little weird for a mom of 8 to have a feat of boogers, but it's true! You know I keep things real for you guys.


The Page family watching TV, from Fun Cheap or Free

Maybe you know I've been on The Rachael Ray Show, but I but you didn't know that:

  1. In college, during Bob's final season, I went on The Price is Right and I got to spin the wheel and kiss Bob and everything. I almost won a piano but alas, the Check Game did me in so I walked away with a luggage set that we still use to this day.
  2. Reality TV is one of my faves and I have a laundry list of shows I am fighting to be on, including The Amazing RaceShark Tank, and Fixer Upper (…if I can ever convince Bubba to move us to Waco, Texas solely to be on the show…). In my next life, I'll meet Bubba by going on The Bachelor.
  3. I want to be a Braverman. In my dreams, I'm the 5th sibling. Does anyone want to start a petition to bring back Parenthood?!
  4. Do movies count as TV? I'm going to say yes! Here are my faves: Warrior (I loved it SO SO SO MUCH), Remember the TitansDan in Real LifeThe Blind SideTitanic (who doesn't love Titanic??), any of the Mission Impossible movies, and I'm sure lots more that I can't think of.
  5. I love cooking shows! Some of my favorites include Chopped, The Taste, Iron Chef, and Top Chef. Oh, and I totally want to be on Worst Cooks In America, someday.

Seriously, though. Parenthood was the best show ever and we need a reunion!


Let's get sentimental for a few here! I'm a big bucket list person. Here a few things I bet you didn't know about my goals for the future:

  1. I am very passionate about adoption. I think mothers who place children, and families who adopt children, are some of the most heroic people in the world. It's such a beautiful gift for so many people. I have a dream of adopting a teenager someday and can't wait to do so.
  2. In my next life, I hope to have Mary J Blige's hair.
  3. I have an extremely hefty bucket list (…that I really need to blog about someday). It's basically non-negotiable, I'm a bit of a freak about it. It includes things like “have my name in the credits of a movie”, “take Bubba back to Brazil” (he served a mission for our church there for 2 years when he was 19 — we are Mormon, by the way, in case you didn't know *bonus fact*), “have my own money-saving show” (think Super Nanny but with finances instead of child behavior), “Dance with Ellen“, and “become fluent in another language”. A few things I've checked off the list include “meet Oprah”, “swim with sharks”, “be on The Today Show“, “sign a book deal” (though I technically signed a book deal then canceled it because I didn't feel good about it…so maybe that one isn't quite scratched off yet?…) and “marry my perfect match”.

What's on your bucket list? Stop by the Fun Cheap or Free Facebook page and let me know!


Jordan Page in workout gear, from Fun Cheap or Free

Okay, some of these may come as a shock:

  1. I get very intimidated and shy at places like classes at the gym where I don't know anyone and am in a group. However, I will travel the country and go to 2,000 person blog conferences by myself with total confidence and have the time of my life. I'm a walking contradiction.
  2. I don't really like kissing. I'm weird, I know. And I have to mute The Bachelor sometimes when the kissing noises get out of control and start grossing me out.
  3. I rarely get embarrassed or offended, I have pretty darn thick skin. But if you ever talk bad about Bubba or ever try to harm my kids, I will cut you.

Shall I keep going? More randomness, coming right! I think I save the most off-the-wall facts for last. Gotta keep you guys on your toes! Ha!


Here we go, you guys! Wanna find out which name I wanted as a kid? Keep on reading! I bet you didn't know that:

  1. I wear a size 11 shoe. The shape of my feet is such that they fit better into heels than flats.
  2. I have ZERO jump reflexes, thanks to my brothers. You could sneak up behind me with a full-blown cannon, and I would hardly flinch. In fact, you know how the doctor tests your reflexes by bonking your knee with that weird triangle thing? (All technical terms, I'll have you know. Especially “bonking”…) Only one doctor has ever been able to get my leg to respond.
  3. I've grown to love my name, but when I was younger, I hated it and begged my mom to call me Amy. 
  4. I don't mind doing laundry. In fact, it's pretty gratifying. But I absolutely HATE folding and putting it away. And putting away clean dishes. Least favorite chores EVER. 
  5. I do NOT like being tickled, but I am putty in your hands if you play with my hair or massage my back. Just thinking about it makes me drool…
  6. I am strangely good at pole dancing. One time I bought a Groupon for a class, and it turns out I'm a natural. I figure if this whole blog thing goes south, at least I have a solid back-up plan.
  7. I have never felt my age. Even as a kid, and especially in high school, I have always been annoyed that my age is so much younger than I feel.

Don't say I didn't warn you about the randomness! 😉


Phew, you made it! I'm impressed. Thanks for sticking with me, you guys!

Enough about me. I wanna know about YOU! Drop three fun facts about yourself in the comments, and let's keep the randomness going!

Looking to learn a little bit more about me?

I LOVE YOU ALL! (…and you are brave for reading this far.)

Jordan Page Signature from Fun Cheap or Free


  1. Mel

    I love this post!!!!! So cute!!! I love your name and I have taken pole dancing classes after getting a group on deal. (Now I take weekly classes but don’t tell anyone!) 30’s are awesome!! The best is yet to come! Happy Birthday!!

    Mel | http://www.thegossipdarling.com

  2. Kathleen

    Happy, happy birthday! We have a few things in common. I too freak out if my kids get close to the edge or a railing. They are adults and sadly, it doesn’t really go away. I have a crazy long bucket list. If I have to finish it before I die, I will never die. I am a Mormon, convert actually. I’m glad you aren’t sad about being 30. It freaks so many people out. It should not. Have a great day!

  3. Amber K.

    I’m totally with you on #6 (moving to Waco to be on Fixer Upper) and #14 (having twins). My husband and I don’t think we could handle the bugs or TX heat, though! He is a twin so maybe I’ll score some of my own! 🙂

  4. Andrea

    I have a perfect candidate for your own finances show, my sister. She’s is a mess right now! Filing for bankruptcy and has no idea where to began to get back on her feet.

  5. Ashley

    I love this! Thank you for sharing! We are soooooooooo much alike! I was cracking up as I read this! It was like I wrote most of this! Always been obsessed with twins since I was little and now I have twin boys! Totally freak out when my kiddos are anywhere close to something even 10% dangerous. I think there were only about 4 things that were different! ? No price is right , i wear size 10, only child and no bucket list…Happy Birthday girl! Hope you have a fabulous day!!!

  6. Lindsey Eagar

    This was hysterical!!! So many fun facts. I too have a fear of watersports. When friends buy boats I give them fair warning to never invite me.

  7. Vicki

    I had no idea…well I knew about the boogers. I like you even better now?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Haha Hi Vicki!! And seriously. The nightmares….

  8. Jackie

    I hate folding laundry and putting dishes away too. These are two of the chores I’ve designated for my 15 year old to do. I explained how much I hate it, and how much it would help me. She does such a good job at it too.

  9. Linda Horvath

    I love that you want to be a Braverman! I did too.
    I am 47 and have never been stung by a bee and have the same question about the episode pen. Plus as an adult you are more likely to be the one doing something that would have a hidden bee hive in it. Leaning out high places and what not.

  10. Jennifer

    I came across this post after wondering what your age is. Complete nosyness on my part. I was pretty amused that we have a lot in common. I too hate boogers (and spitting), I also have an irrational fear of my kids falling, hate being tickled, soggy bread is the devil, kissing noises and seeing other people kiss weirds me out and my birthday is March 6 so we are both Pisces. Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you for all the helpful tips over the years!

    • Jordan Page

      That’s so funny that we have so much in common! Thanks, I’m glad that my tips could help you out! XOXO

  11. julie

    Jordan, I can’t believe u didn’t like yor name growing up? Were there more boys w/ the name, is that y? Wud luv to hear how yor parents picked the name? Like u did a blog on the history of all yor kids names. Made me ❤all yor kids names way more!! I hav always 💗’d the name Jordan for a girl just the way U spell it!!

    so sad about yor laugh! U r such an upbeat & boisterous person

    kissing noises def cringeworthy

    💚that u hav adopting a teenager on yor 💜
    I thought u were gonna say u always felt young @ heart but I get wat u r saying bout yor age. Seems like u’ve always been a planner or thinking ahead. Like wen u talked about in hi school being savvy w/ lunch $ while yor classmates kinda washed it away?

    • julie

      omg since I hav been watching yor vlogs on YouTube u hav constantly reminded me of someone. Mannerisms, upbeat but very focused & driven energy, can make expressive faces like u do wen emphasizing points, the way U talk w/ yor hands, luvs to laugh & be motivating

      & guess wat she has yor same exact b-day only 10 yrs b4 u! & grew up in OR😯

  12. Adrian

    I get very intimidated and shy at places like classes at the gym where I don’t know anyone and am in a group. However, I will travel the country and go to 2,000 person blog conferences by myself with total confidence and have the time of my life. I’m a walking contradiction.

    ME TOO! I thought I was the only one. I’ve been going to the same exercise class for 8 years and I’m still totally intimidated to talk to anyone. I think it’s because we’ve never been introduced, so I don’t feel like I have “permission” to talk to them. Once I learn someone’s name, I’m much more comfortable!

    But a blog conference, that’s my happy place! I’m a total extrovert and I love meeting new people and blog conferences are the only places you can talk blogging. I never even mentioned to my corporate co-workers of 20 years that I had a blog, and they were totally baffled when I up and retired to run my blog and VA business. They had no clue….

    Here’s my secret fact – I am TERRIFIED of Instagram! I did an Instagram story the other day – about your productivity planner, ironically and my voice was all shaky and weird and I couldn’t figure out how to tag you and I think I posted it wrong to my highlights. Everyone else has been using it like crazy for years, but I’m a complete newbie and I feel like such.a.dork on there when everyone else is so polished and cool.

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Love these! Thank you for sharing. And you’ll get the hang of Instagram, just keep showing up!

  13. Chloe Reed

    The pole dancing bit has me cracking up! 🤣 I had to do a double take to make sure I read that right. You’re hilarious!
    1. I’m 26, married, and no kids for us.
    2. I started following your blog and videos when my health went way, way south 3 years ago. Your budget and meal planning videos helped me take some of my power back and made me feel like I had a bit of control over my situation. In addition, my Mom died when I was 14 and I didn’t have anyone that I can rely on to teach me the solid principles of budgeting, meal planning, etc that you teach so well! THANK YOU!!
    3. I’ve learned so many tips and tricks to freeze meals, plan ahead, etc. You plan things I wouldn’t have even thought of planning. I’m about to restart your program I got off the band wagon with. So excited!

    • Fun Cheap or Free

      Loving these fun facts! Thank you for sharing #2…that means so much! 💜


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