How to Get Rid of Winter Germs & Stay Healthy!

Cleaning Tips and Tricks, Health

We all have to fight against winter germs and sickness – sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. So what can you do to help win the war in your home? These hacks really work, and we hope they help keep your home sniffle-free this winter.

African American family on the couch, from Fun Cheap or Free

The holidays are a wonderful time that brings the family together but also…germs! It seems like someone is always sick around the holidays. What's more, those germs can easily spread sending everyone home with presents and sickness. 

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While sharing is caring, there are some things you’d like to be able to return as easily as that sweater your grandma bought you that is two sizes too small. Today we're sharing our top ways for busting those winter germs at home!


Washing hands with soap and water, from Fun Cheap or Free

Washing your hands is the top recommendation from doctors during cold and flu season, and you know what? It really works! Our hands are constantly touching shared surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and tabletops, and germs can live on those surfaces long after they’ve been left there!

The key to hand-washing is to:

  • Use warm water.
  • Wash your hands with soap for 20-30 seconds. Sing the “Happy Birthday” song in your head while washing to get a good scrub in!
  • Use good-smelling soaps with aloe to keep hands soft since you'll be washing your hands often.
  • If you’re on the go a lot, keep a hand sanitizer in your purse or car to always be prepared.

These are easy steps to washing those germs right off of your hands! So how do you treat other surfaces?


Cleaning products to disinfect winter germs on a counter, from Fun Cheap or Free

Disinfecting surfaces isn’t just good for the cold or flu… It helps keep things clean from other bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. It’s always a good idea to wipe down the kitchen counter and table before cooking or serving dinner, as well as cleaning up afterward!

We love using the E-cloth brand because it disinfects solely with water. You can also use a simple disinfecting wipe to get the job done. Another shared surface where germs lurk is on toys! The best tip for disinfecting toys is to put them in the dishwasher. It keeps you from having to clean each one by hand and it'll save some major money on your water bill!


  • Remote controls
  • Cellphones and electronics
  • Door knobs and handles
  • Stair railings
  • Beds: footboards, headboards, and other places people might touch
  • Drawer pulls
  • Bottom of your purse (For real! It sits on the floor in BATHROOMS many times, then you set it on your kitchen table?? Wipe that baby down!)
  • Backs of chairs
  • Light switches
  • Fridge handles
  • Garbage can lids

Don't just focus on the obvious surfaces. Go for allllll the surfaces to help keep germs at bay all season long! And lastly…


Hands drying off with paper towels, from Fun Cheap or Free

One of the biggest hurdles to staying healthy is that those who are sick are often contagious up to 24 hours before symptoms begin! You know the drill. Your child’s friend comes over for a playdate one afternoon and seems completely fine. Then you get the dreaded phone call the next morning that they were throwing up all night and cross your fingers your child doesn’t get it!

One of the best ways to combat these “secret germs” is to not share anything your mouth touches. We’re talking cups, forks, spoons, chapstick, etc. If someone in your home is already sick, you can use plastic cups (be sure to write your names on them!) and have them dry their hands using paper towels or their own separate hand towel.

Additionally, be sure to wash your towels and bed sheets frequently. It may sound like a lot of extra work, but do your laundry our unconventional way and you won't go back! You should also keep a box of tissues handy so your kids aren't tempted to use their hands when it comes to those runny noses. Gross!

We hope these tips help you fight those winter germs and keep your home happy and healthy! Do you have any good germ-busting tips? Leave them in the comments below!

Image with text that reads "how to get rid of winter germs" from Fun Cheap or Free

Need other ways to stay safe and healthy?

Stay healthy!


  1. Emmerey Rose

    Very helpful tips Jordan! We don’t experience winter here from where I live but these tips are surely a great help.

  2. Hannah Shackleford

    Seriously love this hack! Germs are getting so bad this year.


    Hannah Shackleford

  3. Sydney

    Thank you! Using these TODAY!!!


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