Conquering the Simple Task – Celebrate Small Victories

Inspire, Motivation

Do you ever feel totally overwhelmed or discouraged by allll the things you never got around to doing that day? Well, take a deep breath because we've found the cure. Today, let's conquer one simple task and then celebrate! 🎉

woman doing happy dance on couch, from Fun Cheap or Free

We don't know who needs to hear this, but if it's 11:30 pm and you're still in your PJs from the night before, that's A-okay! If you're just getting ready for bed with a to-do list a mile long and all the mom guilt in the world, you're doing just fine, mama. Tomorrow is a new day, and we're here to tell you that it's the small victories that really matter! Want to find your motivation? We've got some tricks up our sleeves!

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Here's a quick challenge: tomorrow, do one tiny, insignificant thing. Pick a simple task to conquer and watch how it changes your whole day! No more spinning your wheels, trying to go faster and faster, without ever getting anywhere. We've got practical tips that WORK! Let's do this, you guys.


planning simple task list in block planner, from Fun Cheap or Free

Isn't it SO easy to focus on all the big things and then get bogged down? The monumental tasks on our to-do list can really weigh us down–mentally, emotionally, and physically. But do you know what we've learned? It's the small victories that add up to real progress, keep us on track, and help us stay motivated.

This quote sums it up:

“Sometimes your days may only be measured in inches, but that is still progress. Just keep moving.”

Ummm… can we get an amen?! We might balk at inches. But inches still signify progress. It's better than not moving at all. 

Our hope in sharing this post is that we all look for the 1, 2, and 5 minutes in our day to get small victories accomplished. It's a small, simple task that will keep our heads on straight. So, are you all in?! We've got some tips to share that will help you get there!

Pro Tip: One of the best ways to keep stress and overwhelm at bay is to approach your day one block at a time. Focus on what you need to do in the morning, and don't worry about the afternoon's tasks until you get there. The best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Check out our block schedule system and give it a try.


setting timer on smart watch, from Fun Cheap or Free

Ready to rack up some small victories? From our experience, these tips are game-changing! Do these six things to start tackling the simple tasks on your list:

  • Make a To-Do List Before You Get Out of Bed – Each morning while still in bed, before your feet hit the floor, make a list of EVERYTHING you'd like to accomplish that day – focusing on the small things. For example, empty the dishwasher…put on makeup…take out the trash…call your sister. Big or small, write it down.
  • Find Opportunities to Multi-Task – On a conference call for work? Fold laundry while you listen. Waiting in the carpool line? Return phone calls or listen to a chapter of your audiobook. We've got tons of tips for multi-tasking!
  • Take Advantage of Unused 1-10 Minute Increments – Use the blank spaces in your schedule to knock out a simple task or two! Got two minutes before you need to leave for carpool? Grab your list, find something that will take 1-2 minutes, and get-er-done!
  • Set a Timer – Just trust us on this one. Find out how setting a timer can change your life!
  • Chip Away Slowly – Don't be afraid to break bigger tasks into tiny steps. If you only have three minutes to put toward an hour-long project, go for it! It may only seem like inches, but remember, it's better than not moving at all!
  • Physically Cross Things Off Your List – It just feels good! Be sure to pat your back and consider even the smallest tasks as victories…because that's what they are!

Give these a try, and watch your productivity (and motivation) skyrocket! Ready to put these tips to practice? We've rounded up a few ideas to help you find a simple task you can accomplish today.


woman completing simple task of folding towels, from Fun Cheap or Free

Okay, even if you only have one spare minute, we guarantee you can do one of these things today. So, what do you say? Here are ten examples of simple tasks that will make a BIG impact:

  • Fold One Load of Laundry – Waiting for the oven to pre-heat? Fold those towels that have been sitting in the dryer.
  • Clean Out Your Purse – We've got purse organization tips here!
  • De-Clutter the Kitchen Island – Set a timer for five minutes and do what you can.
  • Change Your Sheets – Just pick one bed!
  • Quick Closet Clean-Up – Have ten minutes to spare? Pick up anything that's on your closet floor, then do a quick vacuum. When you have more time, we have closet organization tips, too!
  • Tackle One Produce Bin – Open your fridge, pick one produce bin, and toss out anything that's gone bad. Bonus: wipe down that drawer if you have time and update your kitchen inventory!
  • Clean Up the Glasses/Water Bottles in Your Room – We know you know what we're talking about! Round up those water bottles from your nightstand and bring them downstairs.
  • Dust – Pick one piece of furniture and dust it! This one hardly takes 60-seconds, so no excuses! If you have 5-10 minutes to spare, we bet you can dust a whole room.
  • Water a Plant – Again, no excuses! This one is so quick and easy. Your plant(s) will thank you.
  • Text a Friend – Say hi to that friend you keep meaning to check in with! You'll be glad you did.

Want to take this to the next level? Pick one task from this list for the next ten days. Watch what happens! Spoiler alert: we bet you'll start slaying the day.


Hopefully, this post inspired you to take action. Pat yourself on the back for reading this far! Investing time to learn and grow definitely counts as a small victory, so let's celebrate!

And if you liked these tips, make sure that you check out Productivity Boot Camp! It's a really fun online video program that teaches you how to be more productive with your day, helping you to free up time to do things that you want to do. Use the code FCFBLOG for 10% off!

What's the first simple task you plan to conquer? Let us know in the comments!

Image with text that reads "how to conquer a simple task" from Fun Cheap or Free

Looking for more inspiration?

Hands in the middle….let's go!


  1. Olivia

    I love reading your posts. I’m pretty sure we would be good friends if we lived close. The little minutes do really count.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Yes, I agree – at least we can be online besties? 😉

  2. Char

    I ran in from work and only had 5 minutes before I had to get my daughters off the bus. I quickly dusted the family room and table in the foyer. I folder the blanket and rearranged the pillows that were thrown the night before and I didn’t get to this morning before work. Felt good to get something done and the room looked pretty ok before kids got home.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Love it, thanks for sharing!!

  3. Tanya Wilson

    GREAT reminder! Thanks!

  4. Elizabeth


    How do you organize your kids rooms? I have 3 myself, one of whom who has medical needs so im always needing new ways to rearrange their rooms


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