Can You Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? How I Did It & Am Keeping It Off

Fitness, Lookin' Good

So, you want to lose 10 pounds in a month? Well, depending on your point of view, it either sounds EASY or impossible. Spoiler alert: it's totally possible because I did it, and I'm about to tell you how!

Jordan Page before & after weight loss, from Fun Cheap or Free

Okay, before we dive into all the details, I want to give you a quick pep talk! If you're reading this because you want to lose 10 pounds, you've got this! You can DO it!

*Note: When you click the links in this post, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

But because I'm not one to sugarcoat things, I do want to keep it real. Losing the weight isn't the hard part. It's keeping it off that's the challenge! And today, I'm going to share what's worked for me, so you can lose those 10 pounds and keep them off. Are you ready to do this?


Jordan Page before losing 10 pounds, from Fun Cheap or Free

You might be wondering why I felt inspired to shed some pounds. It's a fair question. No, I wasn't just trying to squeeze into a dress for a fancy-schmancy event. I guess you could say I just reached a breaking point.

I was tired all the time and couldn't remember the last time I read a food label. I was cranky and spending more and more time on the couch in front of the TV, with the computer in my lap, using the “I'm working” excuse. 

My clothes weren't fitting well at all (blamed that on having babies), and I was self-conscious at the swimming pool. My back and neck were falling apart, and it caused me so much pain I could hardly sleep. I blamed it on the couch, mattress, seat in my car, and any other excuse I could imagine.

I went to the doc, excited to show him my lopsided hips (did you see that “before” pic?!) and get a quick fix prescription to see a chiropractor. Instead, he prescribed me four months of Pilates and yoga, telling me the problem was my lack of muscle tone and core. Um, excuse me?!

TL;DR: after months of pain, excuses, and poor habits, my doctor told me I was out of shape. The nerve! Ouch. After that big dose of humble pie, I was determined to lose 10 pounds. So, how did I do it? I'll tell you! First up, I want to share two essential lessons I learned.


Okay, this is important, you guys. For me, at least, I need accountability to stay motivated. When it comes to exercise, I'm just not one of those lucky gals who loves waking up at 5:00 and going on a run. Sorry, not sorry.

But do you know what I do love? Spending time with my friends and family! And having the occasional kitchen dance party. (Okay, maybe more than occasional.)

If you're like me, then find a workout buddy! I promise it will be SO much easier and WAY more fun if you don't go it alone. And, if you're looking for some ideas that will help make working out feel less like a chore, we've got 'em! Now, to my next big lesson.


If I'm being honest, I have tried to lose weight many times before. And every time I set out to lose weight, I did it in secret, mostly because I felt embarrassed. I didn't want to hear people's opinions of my body. I have a lanky body type, so people would always say, “you don't need to lose weight; what are you talking about?!”

I felt like I had to defend myself and got no support or understanding. Ultimately, no one understands your body like YOU do. Being healthy doesn't mean being “skinny.” I was (and still am) lanky, sure, but my body (and mental state) were falling apart. My muscles, skin, organs, and even bones, were suffering…even if the number on the scale wasn't too bad. It wasn't until I decided to do this journey with my husband and my family that I truly committed myself and did what it took to make change happen.

So, with those words of advice out of the way, I'm going to tell you what, specifically, worked for me. I'll share how I exercised, what I ate, and maybe most importantly, how I maintained. But one quick disclaimer first: before you begin any new exercise or change up your diet, be sure to consult with your doctor first. Okay, now on to what I did!


woman posting on social media on her phone, from Fun Cheap or Free

Look, like I said earlier, I'm no marathon runner. So, if you're already out competing in Iron Man competitions, you can go ahead and skip this part. I'm no expert, but this worked for me:

  • Shared My Progress on Social Media – I posted my progress on Instagram and got the family involved to get encouragement and suggestions and be held accountable.
  • Exercised at Home 5-6 Times Each Week – There were many days when I didn't have time to workout until midnight, but I made it happen! We borrowed a friend's Insanity DVD because I didn't know where else to turn for a good at-home workout. I hated Insanity though, it was SO boring and was all cardio – I felt like I didn't get toned at all.  I have to admit that cardio was good for losing weight fast, but now I'm focusing more on toning my core to help get my body in check.
  • Worked Out with My Husband – I did every exercise with Bubba because I knew I would get lazy and slack off if I did it by myself.

Pretty doable, right? I didn't even have to leave my house. Now, let's talk about how I changed my eating habits to help get back in shape.


just of ice water with cucumber, from Fun Cheap or Free

I don't know who needs to hear this, but crash diets don't work. Crazy fads don't work. They're not realistic or sustainable. Sure, you might drop weight FAST. But if it's not a realistic LIFESTYLE you can maintain, you're bound to let the weight creep back on, not knowing how to maintain the loss. Here's what worked for me:

  • Cut Back on Sugar – I didn't cut it out completely (what kind of life is that??), but I found balance and ate it in moderation. And since I'm a sugar addict, the cutting back I did was pretty drastic for my typical lifestyle.
  • Stopped Eating After 7:30 pm – Yes, I'm being serious here. No snacks. Not even a bite. It's easier than it sounds! You get used to it.
  • Ate More Consciously – I didn't use a food log or count calories or anything; I just made conscious decisions. I stopped mindlessly eating. I cut out unnecessary snacking, cooked healthier, and made the veggie the largest portion on my plate at dinner.
  • Drank More Water – Ladies, we could all stand to drink more water, right?! It really does help curb those cravings and beat fatigue! Try it for a week.

And that's pretty much it! Nothing fancy or complicated, just a few small shifts. So, the real question! How did I keep the weight off? Let's talk about it!


chopping vegetables for dinner, from Fun Cheap or Free

I could sum up this section in just three words: variety, consistency, and fun.

I have workout ADD. If I do a class too many times, I'm over it. I lose steam and stop working out, so I need variety, and I need it at my fingertips.

One thing I did to keep myself motivated was join a local gym. I saved up money for a year and paid in cash for a one-year membership to our local gym. I wanted a variety of classes but mostly wanted to have a place with childcare that would allow me to relax in a hot tub and shower in peace once in a while (true story). You know I keep it real with you guys!

When it comes to eating, I like variety, too! By shelf cooking and finding creative ways to make ordinary food feel more fun, I've been able to curb a lot of my cravings and keep my nutrition in check. (And skip the fast food drive-through temptation!)

Sticking to more mindful eating and carving out time in my block schedule for workouts I actually enjoy has been life-changing for me! My back isn't hurting anymore, I have the energy to get on the floor and play with my kids, and I feel like I've gained a few years back in my life. For me, that's SO much more priceless than the number on the scale!


And there you have it! Just my raw, honest story and a few tips that I hope help you on your journey.

I'd love to hear what's worked for you! Have you lost weight? What did you do? Leave your comments below or some positive words to encourage others!

Image with text that reads "how I lost 10 pounds in a month" from Fun Cheap or Free

Looking for ways to stay motivated and reach your goals?

You've got this! Now, let's get to work!

Jordan Page Signature from Fun Cheap or Free


  1. Rebecca

    Very awesome. You’re very inspiring 🙂 Your body looks so healthy, beautiful and clever for creating three beautiful babies! I’ve had two big boys and at 24, my body is very wrecked. Loose muscles from two C-sections and a lot of extra chunk. I’m from the UK so not sure I can get M5?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Rebecca thanks so much!! And yes, M5 can be used all around the world, just like any other website – everything is online! It would be fun to be on the same team as you so join in and let’s do this! 🙂

    • Leah

      I agree, very inspirational as well as informative post. And she does look great! It’s so important to remember the most important thing in weight loss is developing a combination of habits that promote an overall healthy lifestyle, like Jordan did. That’s the only way to achieve permanent weight loss, and it’s fundamental to every truly successful weight loss strategy. In fact, check out the following article that does a wonderful job of explaining the key factors in a successful, long-term weight loss strategy:

  2. Danielle

    Very inspiring. I love that u r so true and honest. I have the same body shape and back issues. Core,core, core….Pilates here I come!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Blessing and curse, isn’t it?? Keep me posted about how your progress is going!!

  3. Lydia

    M5 looks amazing but does it have any workouts tailored to pregnancy? Don’t want to invest in it if I won’t be able to use it in a couple of months. Thanks!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      I don’t know if there are many workouts in the world catered to pregnancy, unfortunately! But you can still do cardio, yoga, pilates, and strength training while pregnant. Stomach workouts won’t happen, but otherwise I was able to do lots of things while pregnant. Just listen to your body and ask your doc. In my classes at the gym there are several pregnant ladies (including an instructor!) that just adapt each class to what they feel they can do. Good luck!!

  4. Danielle R.

    How great for you to lose weight and feel great! I have a 16 month old and while I made it back to my pre pregnancy weight right before she turned 1 I still don’t feel great. I have been stuck at this weight, which use to be a great weight for me, but now it doesn’t look as good. You are a great motivation for me to kick things up a notch and work a little harder. Thank you.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      I’m so glad, thanks for sharing! And good luck, keep me posted on your progress as well 🙂

      • Danielle R.

        Just as I was getting into a great fitness routine and super motivated to lose weight, I found out I was pregnant haha. Looks like I won’t be shedding many pounds but I am still motivated to stay healthy and exercise while eating right during my pregnancy. My husband will just have to lose weight for the both of us!

    • Brittany

      I am totally going through the same thing! My little girl is 13 months, and I’ve been back to my pre pregnancy weight for a couple of months now, but it just doesn’t look the same! I need to get on it! Thank you Jordan for being so brave, and passing the knowledge along. Your body looks incredible!

  5. Melissa

    Great job Jordan! Losing weight after babies is tough. I’ve had six! Variety is key for me and have had a lot of success with hiit routines and weights. I do all my workouts at home online like. Keep up the great work!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Oh my gosh, 6?? You’re my HERO!!

  6. Mellie

    Way to go! I have the same lanky body type so I know what you mean by the comments you receive when talking about exercise. Cardio is always hard because I feel like I just get lankier but not stronger.

    I just started DailyBurn last month and I love it. I think it is similar to M5. The only thing that seems different as far as I know is that you can’t create your own group. Everything else I believe they have on there that you said M5 has. It is a little cheaper being 30 days free and then only $10 a month so I just wanted to share.

    Again Congrats! I think it is great that you post about fitness. It is not talked about very much but we definitely all need it in our lives.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      So cool, thanks for sharing!!

  7. Erin Kathleen

    Thanks for sharing! It looks like such a great resource! I’m in my last 20 some odd days of an awesome free 90 day challenge that has really changed my thoughts and attitude toward working out-I’ve loved it! The challenge I’ve been doing is bikinibodymommy. I believe in sharing things that inspire you, so thank you for sharing this! Like you, I struggle with eating healthy. I don’t necessarily eat a ton of junk food, but I love chocolate and I’ve found the couple times I’ve really buckled down and tried eating a lot healthier it’s costed us so much more, my husband complains and it takes so much time away from my little one when I’ve already spent 10 hrs away from home to prepare everything. Baby steps I guess!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Thanks for sharing! Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost a lot though, that’s a big misconception! See how I buy healthy groceries for 1/2 price here:

      Hope it helps, best of luck and I’m so proud of you!

  8. Smithz

    OMG OMG OMG !!!! This is just what ineeded to get my ass off the couch. Been using my baby as a cover for my midriff for quite some time . Dont think that ruse is gonna last forever . I m sooo getting on your team. YOU INSPIRE ME !!!! 😉

    • FunCheapOrFree

      YAY! You are so sweet!! Please let me know how it goes, I want to keep tabs on your success!

  9. Ginny

    This might just be the motivation my hubs and I need. Thanks for the amazing post.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      You’re welcome, thanks for commenting – means so much!! XOXO

  10. Melanie

    Good for you! My hubby is lanky too (I occasionally call him the skinny fat guy because he is slim but not exactly in shape).

    If you’re putting weight back on eating your usual foods, I *HIGHLY* suggest checking out “The Plan” by Lyn-Genet Recitas. I lost more than 10lbs without doing any exercise (and still drink wine, eat cheese – y’know… enjoy life!) Crazy to find out the “healthy” foods that make your body gain weight.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have to check it out!!

  11. Emily

    You look great! I am going to check out M5 too! I have been hoping to loose weight but never know what to do! I need a structured plan. Can M5 stream to your tv? Thanks for the post and motivation!!!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Yes it can! As long as you have Apple TV or a ChromeCast or something that can get the web to your TV, then totally! Or you can plug your laptop or iPad in. There are lots of ways 🙂

  12. Lorna J

    Hi Jordan, Love the post. Its very inspiring. I also love the fact that your concentrating on being healthy and strong and feeling good rather than having that beach bod. I love the M5 idea and getting on board with a group of supportive friends and having a customized program, however I don’t have a smart phone or an i pad and I’m not that great with technology. Is it doable for someone like me with just a lap top?
    Thanks for all your hard work and great ideas that you share! (I’m currently doing your envelope budget system and starting the deep clean chore a day. I need structure!) Love your blog!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Lorna – it’s totally doable with a laptop! That’s how I use mine mostly. It’s just a website so really you can access it anywhere!

  13. Wendy

    HOORAH! I loved this post because of its genuine truth. The extremes don’t work because they are not sustainable! I’m trying to lose baby weight, and had some family trying to get me to do “cleanses” with them, and I just can’t be that extremist because once I’m done I will swing hard the other way. I’m completely agreeing with your thoughts of mentally monitoring sugar intake and eating healthier, all while finding something fun you love to do to exercise. I recently started blogilates via YouTube, she has free workout calendars and awesome workouts, but the best part is that it’s so fun! So it keeps me going. Anyways, thanks for sharing!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Blogilates?? That sounds so fun! Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work 🙂 XOXO

  14. Lala

    Fabulous job!!!! It takes a lot of work and dedication fitting in fitness with being mama and wife. I’ve been on the same journey myself. It’s funny because your plan sounds nearly identical to mine. 🙂 Can you write a “menu post” explaining what you feed yourself and family for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks? I could use some new ideas.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Lala – I’m horrible at the healthy food stuff. But I’ve just been trying to stick to lots of fruits/veggies, lots of chicken, and trying to avoid anything creamy. Also we didn’t eat after 7:30, even snacks. Hope that helps!

  15. Kalyn Brooke | Creative Savings

    Wow – thank you for being so brave and sharing your weight loss story! Your before is so eerily similar to myself, and I’ve never heard anyone talk about the lopsided hip before. A few months ago, I started noticing it, and wondered what was wrong. I knew I was out of shape, but didn’t think it would do something like that!

    It’s so hard to stay active as a blogger, and I get super bored with the same fitness regimen too. I’m really inspired to try out M5. Oh, and I love your site! Jeni has been working on getting mine up to par design-wise over the last few weeks. Can’t wait for the reveal! 🙂

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Kalyn, thanks for sharing! So fun to hear from a fellow blogger 🙂 XOXO

  16. Alieshaia

    I just wanted to say how much of an inspiration this post is. To see someone with realistic ideas and realistic results really gives me hope that anything is possible, and that becoming a healthier person may not be nearly as difficult as it seems to be (although it is not easy either). I am a college student, and am 20 years old. THe cafeteria does not eaclty give me a range of healthy chocies and neither does my wallet. THis makes it difficult in eating right all the time, especially when I find the choices at school completely boring. I just woldnt stick with it. As for excercising, i think I am just too lazy. I use homework and need for sleep as an excuse. I am greatful for websites like Fitness Blender or youtube channels with Zumba workouts where I son’t have to pay to get a good and fun workout. My difficulty is, like you mentioned, sticking with it, and making exercise a habit. With a roommate and a busy class/study schedule, I feel as though I have less time to squeeze in a workout in my room (due to lack of privacy) or go to the gym without feeling really self conscious. Next year we will have an apartment style building, so i’m hoping this will allow me to eat better as I will have a stove and everything. I just need more motivation to jumpstart myself into a healthier lifestyle. I thank you for sharing your experience. I would love any advice you may have, as balancing good grades, a social life and a healthy life is difficult, as it may be to balance a family and a healthy lifestyle.
    Thank you!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Wow Alieshaia thanks for sharing! College was a nightmare for me. It was some of the thinnest and heaviest times of my life. I totally agree with what you’re saying – if you find a REALISTIC system and stick with it, maybe it will take longer than a month, but it will happen for you. Best of luck and thanks so much for reading/sharing!

  17. Alexandra

    Thank you so much for sharing this journey! My son is now 7 months and the past few weeks I’ve been obsessing over how much weight i HAVEN’T lost. I feel tired, cranky, and unmotivated most of the time. Reading this gave me some hope! Other moms struggle too! I’m not alone! I can do this! Thank you again!!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Trust me, I know how you feel! And yes, YOU CAN DO THIS! Keep us posted on how it’s going, and good luck!

  18. Traci R

    Thanks so much for sharing! I feel like I’m a very active mom of 3 girls, in my 40s, but still struggle with my body. I love how you focus on a healthy lifestyle and not what you look like. I’ve never heard of M5, so I’ll be curious to check it out. Great blog!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Thanks for sharing Traci! XOXO

  19. Haley

    What is your group code? I couldn’t fine one to join.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Oh sorry! It’s 108. I’ll add that to the post.

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Oh no sorry! It’s 108

  20. Samantha Harris

    Thank you for sharing this post!! YOU are so BRAVE and I hope you realized how many people you will help get and stay motivated in their journey..especially mine! I have decided to sign up for the M5 Fitness plan. I too, get bored very easily, don’t know where to start, don’t know what to eat(I just don’t eat healthy)…same thing! SO this sounds great for me! As a 32 year old SAHMommy of 2, whose had 2 c-sections. I am way out of shape! I cant run! I despise working out! but I feel like poo and need to do SOMETHING!! NO more putting it off!! I am determined to to this and not to just lose wait but to be healthier, to live healthier and I feel totally motivated right now, I could just jump up and do 50 jumping jacks! : ) But I will wait and see what the M5 people tell me to do first! HAHAHAHA I am going to try and get my hubby to do this with me as well. We talk quite a bit about working out and getting in shape and healthier. Plus, I know it would be good quality time for us since we are just so busy and rarely have time alone, together….
    Thanks again Jordan for your boldness! You are beautiful inside & out!!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Haha you are the cutest! Thanks for the comment, made my day!! XOXO

  21. Amanda (Moming About)

    Thanks for sharing this! I’m really trying to get my husband to see that the gym is a waste of our precious budget, because (frankly) I don’t think we use it enough. I prefer to work out at home.

  22. chyanne rooney

    Such a brave lady you are!! You look amazing!! Thank you for being so honest and open with your readers. I’m excited to try M5!!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Thanks Chyanne! XOXO

  23. jess

    Love this. But why not show your face & wear the same outfits for both the before and after pics

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Good questions! It’s the same bra for both pics, the reason I didn’t wear the same shorts is simply because I didn’t think about it! haha! I just reached for some black ones.

      The reason I’m not showing my face in the “after” pic is because, again, I didn’t really think about it. I wasn’t wearing any makeup and wasn’t focusing on my face in the pic. I was trying to get the best shot of my body without hiding any of it or making weird angles. My husband wasn’t home to take the picture for me. If I held the phone lower it covered up my body, which was against the point. It was hard to get a full-body pic unless my phone was so high. So honestly, I just didn’t think about covering up my face as being an issue.

      I’m happy to take another “after” pic showing my face for anyone who’s worried about the authenticity!! 🙂

  24. Chelsi

    GREAT JOB! Now that you point it out I see the difference in the ‘back’ my back sways the same way and I have been having lots of back issues (DUH! Chelsi tone your core!) THANKS! I do have a question for you… What exactly are you eating? I understand the basics and proportions, small meals etc. But I want something packed with flavor (which I seem to be missing in ‘healthy foods’) I find myself craving a juicy hamburger with fries when I am ‘dieting’. Also, your supplements form M5… do they taste good? What is the texture like? (Be honest! lol) I am really finicky on textures and tastes and haven’t found one I love yet. Is it worth the money to try the supplements? Thanks again for your inspiration!

  25. Abby

    Thank you for this wonderful post!! You are so brave and inspiring 🙂 I know how hard it is to lose 10 pounds! It doesn’t seem like a lot but I’ve been trying to lose this last 10 pounds for2 years haha I’m down 5 since Jan and this is the motivation I need for the last 5!!! 🙂

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Congrats on the 5 pounds that’s amazing!! Thanks for reading, and best of luck with the final 5. You can do it!! XOXO

  26. Jennifer Barnwell

    Congrats on the weight loss but I agree with an earlier poster – an ‘after’ photo that shows your face would be twice as effective! Everyone loves to hear about a success story so put any doubts to rest and show your face in both pics!

  27. Sarah

    I am having a hard time withdrawing off of pain medication–and I had lost 20 pounds just prior to needing to start the medication–so my doctor suggested yoga/pilates 3 times a week to help with the pain and re-balance my brain. I don’t feel well enough to drive to the gym, so I immediately thought of your post. I just signed up and can’t wait to get started tomorrow!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      First of all, good for you for getting off the pain meds! That is SO HARD, and I’m super proud of you! And way to take initiative and hit the gym, very inspiring. I’m having new back issues and reading your comment reminded me what i really should be focusing on…strength and fitness. Thanks for the reminder! XOXO

      • Sarah

        I hope you feel better and will be out of the hospital soon! The scary part was that I only had to take the pills for 3 weeks and I’m 26! Right now I feel worse than when they put me on the pills.

  28. Aisha

    I think my tummy looks like your before picture if I let it totally relax. Thanks to my 2 adorable kids! Was it insanity that you did to “fix” your tummy in the after picture? And what core exercises would you recommend from M5 besides that?

  29. Maura

    First of all, great job! Very inspiring! I’m also trying the insanity program. My question is though, how did you cut back your sugar intake? I’m a terrible sugar addict and when I try to cut it out completely, I end up binge eating 🙁 I’m having trouble finding a middle ground I guess, what worked for you?

    • FunCheapOrFree

      Ugh that’s a hard one. Honestly, watching the nutrition classes on M5 helps. But otherwise it’s pure determination. But I’m one that believes in moderation. So I would do no sugar, except on weekends. It gave me something to look forward to. And after going all week without sugar I found myself uninterested in eating as much of it as I was before! I also had lots of sugar-free snacks around to help curb the cravings. But often times if you’re craving sugar, it’s because of your diet so watch those classes and maybe it will help! Good luck!! XOXO

  30. kb

    Amazing work you look awesome! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to keep trying. I was getting there but then had a freak crush injury that set me back at least 3 months. Here’s to hoping for sustained motivation to get back at it n achieve some progress!

    • FunCheapOrFree

      3 months??? Oh no, that is the WORST. Hang in there, you can do it! Thanks for reading XOXO

  31. Tayler Raza

    You’re so right. The simpler it is the easier it will be


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